Group Exhibition


May 2 - June 3, 2018

Artists|Pan Wangshu, Shang Simin, Yu Ada, Harada Toru

Opening time: Wednesday, May 2 at 4 p.mExhibition 

Address|Tong Gallery+Projects

No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, D06, Zhonger Street, 798 Art District, Beijing

Tong Gallery+Projects is pleased to present the group exhibition "Pineapple, Crocodile, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Kitten", curated by Zhou Yilun. It will feature easel paintings by artists Shang Simin and Youada, a series of ceramic sculptures by Pan Wangshu, and paintings and sculptures by Toru Harada. The exhibition will run from May 2 to June 3, 2018.

Pineapple, Tyrannosaurus, Crocodile, Kitten

The subject of the exhibition is consisted of four nouns. They are more or less connected to the four participants of this exhibition, but they do not perfectly refer to four artists respectively. Shang Si-min and Pan Wang-shu, as a couple, they are running a design studio [Há Studio]. It is under the leadership of two cats, the name of which are Crocodile and Tyrannosaurus rex. Kitten with such names are generally obedient and clever. Two artists conduct artistic activities separately. Shang Si-min paints slowly as she usually spends one or two weeks drawing the composition in the computer, then she decides which colors to apply, and finally paints on the canvas. She insists completing the painting by hand, which often takes several months. Usually, when she manages to finish one painting, Pan Wang-shu has created several porcelain sculptures that could fill the studio.

You A-da is from Fujian. He is very good at boasting; he has many tattoos on his body, quite a few of them have Pineapple pattern. His studio is small and dark. He smokes at the same he persists on painting with poisonous spay lacquer. He could only workfor several hours every day, which is very courageous. The affection conveyedin the painting is at the cost of life. Fortunaely, he does not drink alcohol and he goes to bed quite early at night.

Toru Harada is a Japanese, who has been living in China for over ten years. Having tried different jobs, he could not resist the temptation of freedom and arts, and he picks up freelance artist as his career. He is in charge of a fashion brand [a nothingtosell z]. Every place he goes becomes his studio. Some time ago, he has discarded his stuff in China and embarked a journey to Central American forseveral months. Afterwards, he will not be in China most of his time . 

Text| Zhou Yilun