Tong Gallery+Projects is honoured to announce that it will present Zhang Xiaoli's first solo exhibition "Li Jie LI GALAXY" in Tong Gallery from June 21, 2020. The exhibition will focus on the latest works of the artist in the past two years. Thank you for your attention.

In the fifth grade of the Huayan Sutra, Puxian Bodhisattva told the public: 

"All Buddhas, all the species of the world may be made of Xumi mountain, or river-shaped, or rotary-shaped, or whirl-shaped, or rim-shaped, or altar-shaped, or forest-shaped, or pavilion-shaped, or mountain-shaped, or generally square, or foetal-shaped, or It is in the shape of a lotus flower, or in the shape of a legar, in the shape of all sentient beings, in the shape of a cloud, in the shape of the Buddha's good appearance, in the shape of a perfect light, in the shape of all kinds of beads and nets, or in the shape of all doors, or in the form of solemnity. If you wait for a wide range of people, there will be a number of dust in the world."

The so-called description, from ancient times to the present, has never been determined. The Buddha has given the complete nihilism of the Diamond Sutra, which is two completely opposite answers to the countless dust of the Huayan Sutra. Westerners went to the world after going through the darkness of the Middle Ages. The contact and collision with the East not only brought back all kinds of rare treasures, but also brought back the godless world view, and buried the seeds of God's destruction. Civilisations are inextricable. They can hang each other at the subconscious level, which is more tragic than the real war. The digestion of human life has been improved to today's level, and the freedom of thought has been brought to more and more people. How to understand our situation? Artists seem to be the best interpreters of the era. Today's good art is not only about describing what we have seen, but also directly removing the veil of the collective subconscious, using visible images one by one, or frame by one, or one by one, to give Pro. The public is presented. 

In the context of Zhang Xiaoli's painting, she will use extremely accurate words to interpret her thoughts occasionally. If she is not paying attention, she will ignore it. She said that good works are secretions, and the overflowing feeling contained in them is a key to watch her work, that is, even a small shopping bag with a tree, a small scenery in a concave space, and a paragraph of text on the canned packaging is the result of her daily thoughts brewing, inadvertently, In the floating light and shadow, there are not only reading from Susan Sontag, but also the experience of listening to biology at the University of Hong Kong, but also the reverie of molecules, cells, bloodlines, sound waves, wormholes. There are many surreal observations in the seemingly realistic pictures, turning incredible fragments into a natural picture. 

She extracted and included these elements obtained in her daily life into her own spiritual picture, and combined them into a complete picture, which was reconstructed into a new whole, a new abstract language - Zhang Xiaoli's boundary field. 

From the narrow dormitory residence in Hong Kong, she moved to the small courtyard space in the rural area of Shunyi. Zhang Xiaoli, whose ancestral home is Shandong and grew up in Guizhou, is as plain and small as her name. As a graduate student of Chinese painting in Central America, her previous study experience in Hong Kong - her undergraduate jumped from biology to art. She took two degrees. She has many domestic artists do not have science logic. She is no stranger to science and technology. The rigour of biological experiments has trained her to be meticulous and conscientious, and art brings her Tianma. The creative inspiration of Xingkong is one and two sides. The overlap of rationality and irrationality is intertwined like Zhou Botong's left and right fight. From the box she drew, you can get a glimpse of one or two. In the composition, the artificially set space is sometimes a bag, and when there is time, it is a frame, and inside is the upside-down rubbed landscape, still life, bloodline, wormhole, etc. The content after being played by the mind has been sorted out back to static. The two nonsensical and no-intersecting scenes reasonably and peacefully fell on a picture - there are more than a dozen different but harmonious and stable scenes in the big and small world, without any contradictions and abrupt contradictions. She is like an embroidery genius who uses all kinds of needle methods at will, silk It does not affect the content of the subject. 

Her way of viewing, the perspective between the creator and the work, my relationship with it (who is the leader); the work leads the creation. There is no big problem in this sentence, and it is also the key to creation. When I was empted by the creative will, the rest is the creative spirit itself. In 2014, Zhang Xiaoli drew a long scroll of landscape with the method of Lego disassembly, and the posture in the postscript was very low. "The ancient text is not good, and the calligraphy is not good" - I don't know if it was low to the dust, but it showed a little greatness, and a small sentence exposed a big idea (playing Shen Zhouchang scroll with Lego blocks). After reading the small picture on my mobile phone, I looked carefully at the high-definition picture. It's really like that. Mr. Shen will also give a thumbs up when he crosses over. Many people don't know what's the difficulty, that is, to turn the landscape into small squares and then combine them, but this is not only a Lego pile of pictures, but also a kind of pen and ink, a kind of method. If you explore the language of mountains and rivers, you will find out what kind of people can be able to invent a method, or remember a pioneer from the law. Of course, Xiao Li's road is still very long, but from this point, we can see the careful core of her humble quality. 

The existence of an artist must be displayed through the subjective world of the work. Zhang Xiaoli's painting of the world has been uninterrupted and expands outward in small steps, but every direction comes from the experience of her own life. Maybe not everyone can like and follow. Here, Zhang Xiaoli uses different colour block structures to form a new painting language, telling the story of life as plain as water. 

Modern life, through mobile phones, TVs, computers, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign paintings can be turned into images that can be viewed at any time. The world is composed of dusty an ubiquitous landscape. If you want to calmly show our daily life, you need a lot of imagination and in-depth exploration to be reasonable. The answer value given by Zhang Xiaoli We have to give more and better expectations for her future.