We are Extremely Fortunate
Group Exhibition

We are Extremely Fortunate

Artists:Gao Ruyun, Guo Haiqiang, Guo Xi, Ju Ting, Liu Guoqiang, Ren Han, Wang Ruihan, Xiaoxiao, Yan Bing

Exhibition Director: Zoe Chang

Opening time: 2016.4.24 - 2016.6.12 4:00PM

Tong Gallery+Projects is pleased to announce the opening of the group exhibition "How Lucky I Am to Meet You" on April 24, 2016, featuring nine artists.

How fortunate we are,

I don't know for sure,

What kind of world do you live in? 

They are convinced of each other,

It was the instantaneous burst of enthusiasm that brought them together.

Such certainty is beautiful,But fickleness is even more beautiful.

——Wislawa Szymborska

In the world we live in, there are too many similarities/nearnesses/nearnesses/approximations. If you can seep meaning into the surface of "what you see", you will find that it may just be a beautiful "we meet here". 

The exhibition "How Lucky I Should Have Met You" refers to a phenomenon that already exists, and the superficial similarity/similarity/closeness/similarity of the works is not necessarily an imitation or learning. In the exhibition, the two artists use different media, but the objects seen in the works themselves carry a sense of similarity, and although there is a clear sense of similarity, it does not affect the clear and different meanings of the works.

 Seeing, knowing, understanding, knowing, the process is a step that is constantly stacked or strengthened. "How lucky I should have met you unexpectedly", meeting but please don't just see the appearance, is an attitude and way that this exhibition hopes to convey.