Lan Zhaoxing: Wildfire


Duration:2017.4.21 - 6.16 

Venue :Tong Gallery+projects, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, D06, Zhonger Street, District D, 798 Art District, Beijing


Tong Gallery+projects is pleased to announce that it will launch the artist Lan Zhaoxing's first solo exhibition "Wildfire" on April 21. This exhibition, planned by Zhou Tong, mainly presents the on-shelf paintings created by artists in recent years. The exhibition will last until June 16.


Let us take a look at Lan Zhaoxing. She is "nobody" in Chinese art circle, where much importance is imposed to the background of artist. One may never hear of the college she graduated from, even the record of her exhibition is unworthy of mentioning. In this sense, she might be negligible. But if you close the CV and look carefully into her works, I think, you can discover a person who has spiritual pursuit and an artist who cordially considers painting as her life.

It is hard to disconnect Lan Zhaoxing with Alex Katz. They have similarities no matter in the scene or formation. But if you go deeper, you will find the bitterness and astringency that Katz doesn’t possess, slightly and vividly in the picture or behind the picture. You can feel the puzzle and confuse in life when you eyesight encounters the figures, dogs or plants, sometimes you can even feel gloomy yet noncompromising. Thus, each painting indicates not only one’s pursuit but also one’s past. It is especially true for Lan Zhaoxing’s painting. There exists an inexplicable fire in the open shirt of Gu Cheng; in the lyric gaze of the dog; and in the reef that is eager for sailing in the sea. This wild fire quietly approaches you--the beholder via unexciting colors; lights up the most tender and dried original heart silently; and generates the idea of embracing without a hugger. Just like Venus in ancient Greek mythology keeps the firm belief from being ruined by misery and encourages marching towards brightness along the invisible road.

Text|Zhou Tong