Nature Boy : Tao Yi Solo Show

CuratorZhang Si

Media Preview:2017.8.5 3pm

Opening2017.8.5  4pm

Duration2017.8.5 - 9.18

VenueD06 Main 2nd Street,798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Tong Gallery+Projects is pleased to present Nature Boy, the second solo exhibition of artist Tao Yi with gallery, which will showcase Tao's a new series of paintings. The exhibition opens on August 5th and runs through September 18th

Nature Boy

Text/Zhang Si

The new solo exhibition of Tao Yi "本色少年"(bense shaonian) is translated into "Nature Boy", the same title with his favorite song.

Compared to last solo show, what Tao Yi presents this time is more detachment and destruction to rigid abstraction and flat order; adjustment or even reconfiguration of the pictorial relationship through the application of rough or neat lines. Abhaya (2016) is a series of works with large scale. "Abhaya" means to be fearless in Sanskrit. In the work No.5, the Arcs form an image of bridge, and their edges rely on each other, which implies the depth that transcends between this world and that world. In his newly painted Untitled (2017), the dark curved lines cover partially the blue and green strips. The coverage of dark color and the texture of the water-soluble Propylene enhance the change of the rhythm; and harmonious interweaving of the two fine lines contributes to the musicality of the picture.

陶轶《无题》2017 布面丙烯 73x101cm

Tao Yi2017 Acrylic on canvas 73x101cm

Before drawing a large painting, Tao Yi usually drafts to relieve the rituality--the pressure imposed on man by a tight canvas, the abundant light and the necessary moving during the process of painting. On the contrary, he gets right to the point when he draws small-medium painting. Because they do not go beyond the reach of artist's arm, so that Tao Yi can make judgements about the picture at any time, hence more vivid scenes emerge in the art works.

Arthur. C. Danto Published the essay Art After the End of Art in 1993. It was rewritten based on his earlier essay The Artworld published in 1964. He said, regarding the abstract painting today, it is not the carrier of historical mission in anyone's mind. It is just one of many things that artist can do……There still exists difference between abstract and formalism. As far as I know, some of the best abstract painters hold that one does not leave the significance behind after he becomes an abstract painter. Usually, abstract art is able to convey the kind of meaning that could not be delivered in figurative art. Nowadays, abstract painting is not an exchange to enter Greenberg's art history any longer. Like artist Tao Yi, one could notice his nature very easily, since he transmits some significance without utilitarian purpose.