From a monkey to the light
Sun Yu


Sun Yu:From a monkey to the light

Curator : Feng Xi

2019.7.27 - 9.3

2019.7.27  16:00 

Venue: D06, Middle Second Street, 798 Art District, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Beijing


Tong Gallery is very pleased to inaugurate a solo exhibition The Aura of the Great Sage by artist Sun Yu. In this exhibition, we have Feng Xi curating the recent art works by Sun YuXi. We cordially invite you to visit our gallery!

Sun Yu continues his reverse deconstruction within philosophy and religion. From a more macroscopic perspective, he reflects upon the interpretation about ultimate issues especially about the meaning of “Id”. And he continuously explores and elaborates the answer that he yearns for with artistic creation.    

In this exhibition, the moving line is based on the script Sun Yu writes and the linear narrative is the clue, separating the exhibition into four scenes. They are: Truth and Light, Sense Organs and Consciousness, five skandhas, Primordial Beginning, which presents the transformation of “Id” from chaos to freedom, from quandary to enlightenment. The art works are located in exhibition hall, forming a theatric landscape. They weaken the narrative accuracy meanwhile enhance the narrative rhythm and sympathy. The exhibition seems to be endless, but actually it returns to the beginning. Hence, the reverse moving line correlates with the circular logic in an intertextual way, making it a repetitive dream and intriguing the audience to dissociate with the real world, seemingly recounting the principle of “Truth” in the context of exhibition.

The Aura of the Great Sage has two meanings, which refers to the divine aura which has a mystic tone, and also refers to the growth of the Great Sage Sun Wu-kong from a stone monkey into a really awakened Buddha. Sun Yu feels like himself is a monkey, who has lots of sufferings. The creative work becomes an introspective course for him. Sun Yu would like to share his experience and explore the Aura of the Great Sage together with the audience.